Tying of seedlings, raspberry, shrubs and other plants
When planting tree seedlings in the center of the pit is set peg, driving it to a stable position. Then the tree is tied to a pit.
It is convenient and practical to use the tool for raspberries tying. The tying of raspberry is an important stage of care, and it should not be left unattended. Moreover, it is quite easy. In order to ensure to the bushes of wide variety of raspberry a full development, they should be tied up. One way of tying consists as follows, during the formation of raspberry it is necessary to take care of the installation of pegs. In this purpose, at the edges of the trench it is necessary to establish the strong pillars (height in the range of 2 meters). An excellent option would be if you put on the edges of landings the metal pipes or reinforced concrete pillars. If the series is quite long, you need to install additional pillars, every four meters. Between the fitted pillars it is stretched a galvanized wire, at a height of one meter off the ground.